opening speech by hugo bongers rotterdam

collective room-intervention-piece consisting of 32 positions 1988-2015
(heyer thurnheer, ch / dagmar baumann, d / kathrin wolkowicz, d)

paper objects, co-materials and implements, diversity of materials, different sizes and moments in space and time

heyer thurnheer
pos.1    diashow1 „bilder einer anderen moderne“ (b.e.a.m.) seen as text-object
pos.2    diashow2 b.e.a.m. seen as object of materiality
pos.3   cardboard boxes b.e.a.m.
pos.4   unfolded book-object b.e.a.m. under a glass panel
pos.5    diashow3 b.e.a.m. as object of images
pos.6    broom in marked position

pos.7   internet cable

pos.8   room overview1
pos.9    printer in action
pos.10   shovel
pos.11    cloud of printed paper (the almost invisible print looks like as if it was a print on the back of a paper shines through)
pos.12   cloud of printed paper at 7.2.2015 16:42:03
pos.13   cloud of printed paper in 7.2.2015 16:42:35
pos.14    booklet and blown up text panels with text of b.e.a.m.
pos.15    pile of booklets with glass panel and vewing copies on top
pos.16    unfolded booklet with same text and images like in the book-object b.e.a.m but in a more democratic format, structur and layout
pos.17    text panels, booklet b.e.a.m. and cloud of printed paper in form relating 1
pos.18    text panels1/2/3: index b.e.a.m., preface and history of atelier berzona as artist and non- . artist run and study place
pos.19   text panel 4: contents b.e.a.m.
pos.20   text panel 5: directory sitemap title b.e.a.m.
dagmar baumann (
pos.21    drawing nr.1
pos.22    drawing nr.2
pos.23    cut out-cloud
pos.24    drawing nr.3 under cut out nr.1
pos.25   pile of drawings nr.4 and nr.5 and cut out nr.2
pos.26   cut outs nr.3, nr.4, nr.5, nr.6, nr.7, nr.8, under a glass panel carried by 4 volumes
pos.27   folder with drawings
kathrin wolkowicz (
pos.28    blank book (outside view) with white gloves
pos.29    blank book (inside view)
pos.30    black and white book with white gloves
pos.31   chinees fan (and drawings ) under a glass panel carried by wood columns
pos.32   tabel constellation
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